Hello 20 my new friend

Oct 17, 2020


November’s around the corner, I’m keen
At last I’ll wave bye-bye to that dark teen
“- Hi Twenty, heard you were the golden age !
Tell me…are we for real, turning the page ?
Or are we bound to struggle, again and again
With the same burning desires, fears and pain ?
-Ay shut up already! we just met okay?
What? ain’t gonna hear you complain all day
I’m Twenty dude, dunno ‘bout Life and stuff
But this I can tell ya: ‘The road’s rough’
And no offence but you fuckn’ creep me out
With that psycho look you got n’ your weird smile
-Hey don’t be a bully ! what’s this all about ?
I’m a woman ! treat me gentleman-style
-Pshhht a woman she said ! God you funny…
For your birthday gift, I’ll get you a toy
Not to be mean, just between you and me
Ay you look like a fourteen years old boy
Dressed as fuckn’ Aladdin for Halloween.”




Written by Chrysalis-art

Hi, I'm Amina. I write poetry about battling depression, loneliness and alienation from the mad world we live in.

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